health & well-being
Have you worked for years without enough rest? Do you spend too much time sitting at your desk? Is your quality of life being affected?
This course is designed to keep your body and mind in tip top condition. It covers everything from nutritional advice to meditation, yoga, and more…
Health & Well-Being
Individuals generally spend a third of their lives or more in the work environment. Such practices can, and often do result in physical as well as mental burdens on the unsuspecting employee.
Key Solutions Training acknowledges the importance of good physical health, and a sound mind. This course, with its holistic approach, teaches you how to go about sustaining appropriate levels of health in both body & mind, as well as furnishing you with tried and tested techniques that will be of great benefit down the line.
Our Course
- Holistic Health Care
- Office Syndrome
- ศาสตร์ชะลอวัย Anti-Aging
- How to eat for good health
- นอน (เอนกาย) อย่างมีคุณภาพ